Saturday, January 31, 2009

I wrote a book! I finally did get to the point where I could sit down and think. I have written a children's book about horses. I plan on writing another horse book, possibly a series of horse books for children. It's amazing how kids love horses, for me it was absolute passion to ride. Unfortunately, I was too afraid, all my life. I had to turn 30 years old to be able to figure out why. My body let go of the fear and now I can ride, in fact, I bought a mare someone said was in desperate need of some re-education. Right! She just needed someone who cared for her and who wasn't interested in trying to force her into it. I found Parelli and the mare picked me. I wrote a book for all you natural horsemanship students to help parents show their kids.

I'm offering a new program. I'm offering a drawing for parent's to get a night out on me for simply buying the book. It will be a monthly drawing and all you have to do is sign up. So go get it!

I'm happy to offer it to you. Especially in this time where parent's need a night out and kids need something beneficial to read.

So go, go, go!

All my best.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I am still in search of a saddle pad that does what it is suppose to do...I have seen very little of it. I am so ugh feeling about it now. I wanted to be all consumed by my passion, and it did until I figured out that AHAAHAHA it is futile. I would love to be able to do this for a job but good night. Can I do it? NO! I have to keep trudging along. What a crazy ride I have chosen.

Well ok getting back to riding. I have been riding almost twice a week, that is until last week and I didn't ride at all. I didn't feel well and it spilled over into everything. I can't explain it. I seem to be in a state. I finally watched my DVD's again last night, and promptly got a headache. Could it be fear? I seem to be having similar symptoms today. I think I need to feel the fear and do it anyway. Even though I am not suppose to do that. What else can I do? I know its psychosematic. Its just feelings you get to stop you from doing something that scares you to death. But I thought I was past that. Well at least I am moving that way. Past it. I don't have fear of mounting or saddle rolling or anything like that, but I still have trouble with wind and with other horses. I guess its just me. I know its me. My horse isn't the problem. I just have to feel the fear and do it until I can feel safe. Whatever it maybe I have to just do it...I'll let you know how that goes. And I contacted Sharon the other night to be able to finish my Level 1 test. I told her if I had to keep working on it that would be fine, but I needed some guidance as to what else to do with the tape. Can you imagine me finished with Level 1. I would die. I would smile all over myself. I would feel accomplished. That would be the hardest thing I could do. I would feel so much more than I am. I would feel like YeaH I CAN DO THAT. Just ya'll wait. I am going to make can just get out of my I'll also update you on that...I'm off to play with my horse...I am so excited. I feel so much better now. Thanks.

Friday, October 21, 2005

I was thinking about it the other night, you know at 3 am when you can't sleep and TV seems redundant. Ok it is at 3am, but I have been on a quest to figure out why I feel so out of place in the saddle. Sunday I got to ride all by myself. Ok the fear factor had gone down quite a bit. I wasn't shaking in my boots. I didn't feel my heart racing. I was well neutral. BUT, when I got on and my saddle started to roll all around, what do you think I felt like. A mess waiting to happen. Can you imagine? Here you are over part of your fear and then it comes slamming back up into your face. So anyway the other night, at 3 am, I am using paper and scissors to cut out a saddle pad shape. I start to realize that saddle pads aren't shaped like what a horses back looks like. Go figure? Let's just put a square pad on a dynamic shape, one that shifts and changes. Are you kidding me? Square and stiff on something that moves. Oh and by the way it has a plastic compound attached to it that has to heat up in order to mold to the shape.

Do you know why I am up at 3am? Its because this has become part of my daily routine. Saddle up and try to mount and ok there goes the saddle....I am beginning to think I am too CHUBBY! But I have to tell you I have seen in the last few weeks people just as big or bigger than me riding and there saddle not slipping off thier horse. Why is it me? Who comes up with this information? How do I figure this out? Ok so I went to the clinic couple of weeks ago, the instructor says to me, these round horses have to be cinched tighter than normal. Ok and she also tells I probably need to mount from the off side, because its already slipping, and it slips even more when your on top. I was mortified. I was already scared enough, when I was on top, because of the large group of horses. I was beginning to feel like I was a NUT. Whatever I could do was limited, because of the situation. I was on sensory overload. Does that make sense? Would all this affect riders' based off of saddle dynamics and slippage issues? Of course, it was affecting me greatly. I was loosing my grip as a human, much lesss a rider. I had let fear overcome me. It had to do with saddle slippage. So I was making deductions.

I deduced that maybe his body was shifting and his ribs and spine were creating pockets and it would eventually affect his muscles. Ok I began thinking, maybe he's been affected by this all his life. If that was true, can you imagine the way he feels when I mount up. He's wiggling free of the pain. I started to see when I mount up the difference in his shape when I am above him. He spreads his legs out like I am killing him, he's got a an issue with his right side. Like YOUR KILLING ME OVER HERE, ITS PINCHING ME. Is this only me? I started thinking, he won't settle down. Ok so it is pinching him. Its creating wicked pain somewhere. So I made a call to a guy that makes saddle pads for a living. He's involved in saddle interfaces. Can you imagine? Someone who is trying to create a perfect patch between the dynamic and the static. How novel. I was intrigued. I emailed him and low and behold, he said I can't tell you on an email, I couldn't possibly type all that. So I called him. First of all, he ask how big my horse is and is he shaped differently, is his barrel large, and how much do you weigh? YIKES! Ok I was on a chopping block. He said your not any different. It's not you. OH MY GOODNESS, THIS GUY IS AMAZING! I asked why does the saddle roll or slip when I mount from the left side, but when I mount from the right side it doesn't? This was a trick question. I already knew his ribs were shifted over, because I had to sit on the right bar of the saddle to be able to sit in the middle of my horse, otherwise I looked like the crazies at the clinic all shifting off to the left or right depending on the problems. Ok so I have already gotten one answer. This brilliant guy started to explain to me, your horse's anatomy has shifted. It has either atrophied or has spinally shifted over and it creates a recess, or pocket I call it, and the saddle settles right down in it. I told him, when I bought him he was riden by a one legged man, ok so I thought I am nuts that doesn't make any difference. The guy says oh yea it does, he says he's had to shift around and find a place to balance the guy on top. I said BRILLIANT. That was my assumption. I figured that is why he was swaying when he walked. OK so what determines the problem and how do you fix it? He explained it, it's hip and shoulder ratio, its wither width, and how his muscles are now connecting his skeleton that creates the roll. I have wondered for months about this. I have decided I am on the right track. Then the question came up, what are you riding in now? I said a WONPAD and I proceeded to explain that it shifts around like if you put mayo on 2 peices of bread and putting your hands on each peice of bread, it shifts around but doesn't necessarily slip off. THERE IT IS. The pad guaranteed not to slip, SLIPS! And on top of the slipping the saddles dips in the front. Its like riding downhill. How can you find your balance when your saddle is well falling forward. It's terrible. I hate riding, if that's how its going to be. If not then I'll just quit. Pretty much that is what I have done. Don't you think this is all connected? Among other things. The saddle is horrible when it leans. I can't seem to create a balance for my fear and my desire to ride, much less find my Balance Point on my body to find it in my horse. Can you see where I am coming from?

At this point, Mr. Skito Pad tells me to take pictures. Yep you heard me, the foremost authority in saddle pads is none other than Tom at Skito. A Parelli student going to non Parelli people for help. Well I tried asking these questions to someone there and no one answered them. Ok I guess the natural horsemanship doesn't cover saddle slippage. Or at least I didn't talk to the right person. I have been on a mission. I want to ride so bad. I want to be someone else at this point. I want to just get on and RIDE! So Mr. Skito Pad is going to help me out. He's telling me how to create a better pad and saddle system. AH my assumptions were right, its balance between the two. A static saddle and a dynamic horse. Enter the perfect interface. So we will see what Tom's suggestions are and how he can create me a saddle pad for less money than I have already spent.

Well, I am off to ride, a different saddle, but I ride I will. Unless I have to babysit all day. Til later.